Sunday, March 4, 2012

Should belle isle be turned over to the metroparks?

Belle Isle closes at 10 in the summer, cant drive onto the Island.

Belle Isle is a beautiful Island and has a lot to offer, but, it is under appreciated by and under staffed to be properly maintained.

The buildings and structures are deteriorating, the streets are crumbling and the grass can't even get cut.

I agree that a Boblo Island type thing would be cool, but yes, Metroparks need to take over. The state needs to take care of it not the city.

The Mayor has the right to appoint anyone he/she wants to run the Island, so guess who does? Kwame's friends. FACT!

A minimal charge of 1 or 2 bucks a car would go a long way to helping that Island. Walkers or bicycles would get on free.Should belle isle be turned over to the metroparks?I don't think it should for the simple fact I seriously doubt the metro parks will do anything to to to use Belle Isle in any way to help stimulate Detroit's economy and reputation. I think the best decision that could be made concerning Belle Isle is to bring back Boblo Island and/or build something similar on Belle Isle.Should belle isle be turned over to the metroparks?No. If you turn it over to the metroparks association, they will charge an admission fee and set open and close times. Today you can still visit Belle Isle for free as well as any time of the day or night. I would be against that changing.Should belle isle be turned over to the metroparks?If the city can't handle it, sure.

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