Wednesday, February 29, 2012

My cat had a two tumor and fluid around her heart was it right to put her to sleep but i miss her for belle by

i wish that i could see her again. she was my best friend. we had a great 11 years. we baried her last night in my yard. sometimes i cry and sometimes i hold it in. but i walk out to her grave 12 times since last night when she died but some how i wish i did not put her to sleep. the vet said that she would have died by monday form heart failure.they said we could take her to ohio state to get out the tumor out. but my mom said no she would not make it throught the surgery. we sat in the car and cried for about 5 minutes or so before it happened. i want her to stay on earth and be happy. but she was not. she was sufering and in so much pain. i want her back so much. i miss her. i wish yesterday never happened. but i know that she is in a better place. but........she means so much to me. i now see why it was so hard for my 5 friends now mabey 6. not including me. well this is making me cry so i will quit writing and try not to cry. for belle my angel and friend for all my life good bye.My cat had a two tumor and fluid around her heart was it right to put her to sleep but i miss her for belle byYou did the right thing. Prolonging a seriously ill animals life is both expensive, and usually cruel. I had to put my cat to sleep recently and I've cried on several occasions over it. But I know trying to keep him alive would have been selfish.My cat had a two tumor and fluid around her heart was it right to put her to sleep but i miss her for belle by

even animals don't need to suffer that muchMy cat had a two tumor and fluid around her heart was it right to put her to sleep but i miss her for belle byI know its hard, but I promise you did the right thing for her. She was suffering and you knew it. She's in better hands now. *hugs*My cat had a two tumor and fluid around her heart was it right to put her to sleep but i miss her for belle by
You did the right thing,but i know how you feel i have 2 tom

cats that i love very much.Drop me a e mail if you need a friend.

JohnMy cat had a two tumor and fluid around her heart was it right to put her to sleep but i miss her for belle byIn the end you did right thing.It saved anymore unecessary suffer.And you will miss her yes,but she will always be in your heart.My cat had a two tumor and fluid around her heart was it right to put her to sleep but i miss her for belle by
10 years ago I had to put my dog to sleep because he was really sick and in pain. I got him when he was a pup and he was 16 when he died. I love him so much. About 10 days after he died we rec'd a card in the mail, it was a drawing of a dog on the front and on the inside in script it said something to the effect....Thank you for loving me so much that you were willing to let me go so that I wouldn't have to suffer anymore. You were a good friend and I loved was signed love your friend Bosco with a paw print underneath. Well after reading it we cried buckets (lol) but it made us feel better knowing we did the right thing for him. I still have the card.

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